Things to do at HOME

A lot of people want to be on the internet, a lot of people are on the internet, only a few really utilize the internet.

The internet is mostly seen as something fashionable. Those who take part are, at least in Germany, university-staff, students, academics, some computer-kids and subscribers to commercial online-services, clicking around more or less purposelessly.

Online-services and internet-providers only connect the people to the global network and then too often leave them alone.

A brief characterisation of the internet today: it's a playground, a not-too-exciting looking reflection of the human mind, satisfying hidden desires of voyeurs as well as those of the technophile.

But let's not be too pessimistic: our internet-school will introduce us in a sober manner into the basics of the internet. We will cooperate with our customers to uncover their needs concerning the net and guide them in implementing the evolving concepts - technically as well as psychologically.

The whole lot of services the internet offers are crucial tools for private persons as well as for companies and non-profit organisations in accelerating internal and external communication. An entrepreneur today can start without offices, factories or employees, and can do business on a "virtual level".

Our internet-school will teach our customers that and how such a company works. The investment effort for a new company like this are marginal compared to the traditional cooperation founding costs.

German companies and administration are saving on marketing-expenses and in doing this they are saving at the wrong place. That's why we see a big chance to test the concepts in cyberspace before implementing them into "real-live".

The internet allows us - first time in history of economics - to draw an individual picture of our customer and thereby exactly measure their demand. Thus we cooperate today with experts in sociology and psychoanalysis (a field of knowledge only partly utilized for the evaluation of TV-ratings and in the military context).

Utilizing the internet your company can custom-tail products for everyone: our internet-school will let you know how.

The internet developed into a multi-medium for newspaper-, radio- and TV-producers - through the internet-school you get the chance to also make use of it.

Arno Selhorst und Frank Fremerey
May 1996

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